This is a rant coming from my latest interviews. In the past I wrote about my approach to interview candidates for developer positions, I must apologize as I used to be really hard and harsh while doing so while also focusing on not the best qualities; this was almost 10 years ago. A few years ago I saw my practices change completely and start asking different types of questions and looking for different kind of things with better results and was able to build a very strong team. Currently I've been on the other side of the equation and even though multiple houses have also changed the way they do interviews I still see some of the practices that I'll try to avoid. I understand the need of the hiring manager to assess the qualities of the candidate and also I understand the pressure and frustration from the interviewee as it is required to iterate, sell ourselves and also prove that required qualifications are met. Interviewing is hard on both ends and can be exhausting, both ...
Sometimes Information Technology befuddles me and so does programming, here you will find my attempts to gain insights or fall deep in IT. Here be dragons