On 2023 It would be really rare to have to create a new program that does not have distributed characteristics. But I guess this has been like that for a couple of decades and we have been using the same concepts by different name and using different techniques to solve the same problems. Even on the now called monolith systems there we were using the same concepts either consciously or forced upon by the restrictions of the technology.
Take for instance the basic design patterns used in software like the Gang of Four (GoF), they used to be the bread and butter of everyday developer talk while discussing at the lowest coding level. But the same concepts have been applied at system, enterprise and beyond with some caveats. The important part is that patterns emerge and become common language for multiple organizations.
Independent of the technology used these patterns arise and get implemented over and over but the concept remains stable. There are patterns that are easier to implement with some technology and others that are contraindicated, in this is where the decisions to use one or other must be cristal clear. Also let's keep ourselves humble as any prior decision might be changed, tweaked or superseded once new knowledge is acquired or the problem statement changes either by direct or indirect influence.