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On software project types

 Sometimes you create a system that faces directly the end user and produces value on each interaction, sometimes it is something that is deeply buried in the back end but still has direct business value by performing actions directly involved with the value chain, other times it is a support mechanism that helps monitor either the business or the infrastructure and other times it is something that is so low level that it does not have a direct business impact but if it were to fail it would bring the business to it's knees.

All of these systems have their own characteristics and way of life, what works on one of them might completely break another one. Also talking about some of those can be made almost naturally with somebody outside of the organization as is evident what they do; on the other hand others can only be understood by individuals that have in depth knowledge of the field where those systems are meant to live.

It is very hard to draw the line where one type of system ends and other start but we as engineers need to be conscious where we stand and what is the problem we are trying to solve or else we might end up with a solution that will try to solve many problems which might not be the core that they were meant to. This must be a conscious effort by all of us and not get dragged into the new shiny thing both in technical terms or business terms. Either we are creating something that solves a core business problem or a supporting business function; either we build a high level business facing system or a low level infrastructure building block and I do not mean low as a bad thing just on a less visible layer.

Things to keep the mind looping around.

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