As a software developer you'll end on many situations where you need to proof that you have the experience to perform a role. May it be as a candidate looking for a job or for a promotion. The experience can be frustrating to say the least.
If the party interested in validating your credentials has been working closely with you this might be an easier task but most likely it will be somebody that is not from your close organization as a skip level manager might be or completely outside as in a hiring manager or a tech recruiter.
The problem becomes greater if your years of experience exceed 10 years, you'll probably accumulated lots of fancy words and acronyms on your CV and maybe even have some that are currently frown upon. Trying to find a middle ground with the requirements and what you have on paper is the first hurdle, but after that it is demonstrating actual use of said skills and there is the catch. Some developers have 10 years of experience but it means they did the same year over and over, not really advancing in career. Others might have a single company under their belt but not quite the experience of working on multiple things hence they only know a single way of doing things.
It is hard on both parties... no clear answer...
Just be patient and trust the process.
_note to self_